"I barely know what these words mean but i like them together"
- @HemmenKees
Yeah. That's how inspiration strikes right? You are just doing something and BAM!
For me, It was listening to Schoolboy Q's Oxymoron and reading the word Paradox on my laptop screen.
If you're wondering what a Paradoxical Oxymoron is, I don't know either. If that word was the reason you clicked on this article, well then,
You got baited, SON!!!
Anyway, I will talk about paradoxes and oxymoron's in football. More specifically the fans of the sport.
What is a paradox?
Most popularly known as a supervillain in the DC comics Univ- , Uh, wait, that's Parallax.
What is a paradox?
A paradox is a statement that contradicts itself, or that must be both true and untrue at the same time.
Are there paradoxes in football?
Gee, I don't know.
As I said before, Fans are walking paradoxes.
There is an interesting group in football Twitter, with quite some, umm, "charming" people, who will have you believe that "Attractive football doesn't win you trophies".
Is that statement a paradox for us? Nah.
Is it a paradox for the people who made the statement. *Smirks* Yeah, absolutely.
Sooo, not many paradoxes in football then. Jeez, that was a waste of time.
Let's move onto oxymoron's.
What is an oxymoron?
An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction.
Well then, I know exactly what to say in this one. You ready?
Manchester United. Get it? Manchester United.
Fanbase. Again. Oxymoron.
See, football, (or rather, its fans) are full of them.
And that is exactly why I love being part of football Twitter. It all stems from fans being walking paradoxes and oxy-MORONS. To talk to the smart ones, make fun of the idiots who don't want to have sensible debates, all while enjoying what you're doing. This all wouldn't have been possible without the sport.
Don't you just LOVE football?
This article was just a bunch on insanely stupid sh*t put together in a really smart (Not being pretentious. Using big words is smart, isn't it?) way. How about some credit for that, eh?
So, smash that like but-. NO, GET OUT! GET OUT! STUPID BLOODY YOUTUBERS.
So if you managed to make it till here, your brain is probably fried my my overly disjointed my thought process, moving from one topic to another like The Flash on speed. (Man, I haven't watched The Flash in a long time)
As a reward, sit back, relax and enjoy Chelsea vs Man Utd. (See, "Enjoy Football", again, oxymoron.) FOOTBALL IS WAR!!!
Tommy T vs Ole G. Should be a cracker.
*0-0 draw*. Hope this helps.